The Bible instructs us to pray for our national leaders (I Timothy 2:1-2). Pray that our leaders will seek God and endeavor to serve Him in a manner that is worthy of their positions of influence.
Intercede for America and its leadership in the Seven Centers of Power:
President, Senate, House of Representatives, Supreme Court, and all federal, state, city, and local officials, and ranking government administration.
Men and women serving in the military who fight to protect our country and other territories by combating opposing forces and contending for civil liberties.
Communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data, promotional messages, and the like are disseminated.
The U.S. economy, including businesses, enterprises, and organizations engaged in the trade of goods and/or services to consumers, doing commercially viable and profitable work.
All who are part of institutions of learning and involved in the process of imparting or acquiring knowledge, and developing thought and intellectual maturity, which includes students, teachers, staff, and administrators who are affiliated with schools, colleges, universities, and other educational systems.
Individuals who comprise family units in society, including husbands, wives, parents, children, relatives, and others in this category who share kindred relational ethics.
All spiritual leaders and churches in America who are engaged in Christian worship. The entire UPCI church body, including all leadership and laity.
WNOP Info from: Prayer Connect Newsletter – World Network of Prayer –