“A Renewed Passion and Love for Souls.”
Throughout the ministry of the Lord, Jesus Christ, He took time to minister to lost souls, those hurting, and people in need both physically and spiritually. In Luke 7:36–50, Jesus was visiting a Pharisee’s house when a woman, who was a sinner, brought in an alabaster box of ointment and anointed Jesus’ feet. In her humility she wept, pouring out her soul, and with her tears, she washed the feet of Jesus. She then dried His feet with her hair and kissed His feet. She was showing heartfelt gratitude, love, and respect for Jesus. She was showing respect for His ministry and all He had done for her.
When we love much—that love overflows into action. The perfume the woman brought cost her a great price, but no expense was too much, and she gave it all willingly with a heart of compassion and love. What is His sacrifice worth to us? What are we willing to do to show our love and appreciation for His love toward us?
How can we show our love and passion for souls?
We can humble ourselves in prayer and seek the face of God for His will.
We can read the Word of God and let God speak to our hearts.
We can practice what we have read in the Word of God to make a difference in people’s lives.
We can show our gratitude to God for His love by sharing what He has done for us with others who do not yet know God (Matthew 7:12-20).
We can give our time unselfishly and willingly to teach Bible Studies and Sunday School classes and become more involved in the Church.
We can give our money through tithes and offerings to bless the work of God in our local church and across the nations (Luke 6:38).
We can share our blessings with others in need (Matthew 19:21).
Do we receive the Word of God with joy? How do we express that joy?
Luke 8:11–15 relays the story of the parable of the Sower. In our busy world, our lives can become entangled with the cares of life: our jobs, our families, and our desires. We may let our souls become hard and calloused. What are our priorities in life? Do we need to examine our goals, dreams, and plans to determine if these agree with the Word of God? Let us pour into others what God has blessed us with and rekindle our passion to do the work of God. Love others the way Jesus would!
Sharon Wittmeier
Former District Prayer Coordinator
Central Canadian District
(Information from: Prayer Connect – World Network of Prayer – floshaw@wnop-upci.ccsend.com)