Prayer for Greater Love. ”

Love is the greatest motivator. (See John 3:16 and 1 Corinthians 13.) Mankind was created by God to be the subject of His love, someone who would return His love. His essence is love. When mankind lost its relationship with God, mankind was unable to redeem itself. Then, out of love, God sent His only begotten Son (God manifest in the flesh) to pay redemption’s price so mankind could be reconciled to God.


There is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13). That is what Jesus did. After Pentecost, the disciples of Jesus laid down their lives for lost humanity. God’s love was shed abroad in their hearts by the Holy Spirit.


Pray for:


a greater revelation of God’s love for ourselves.
a greater revelation of God’s love for lost people.
a baptism of The Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with God’s love.
a greater love in marriage relationships so that spouses will desire to serve one another selflessly.
a greater love for parents so they will love their children as God loves His children and make their salvation their greatest priority.
a greater love for holiness which is the result of The Holy Spirit filling us and controlling us.
a greater love for truth that results in speaking truth in love, leading to salvation.


True Apostolic Pentecostals have greater love. Out of this God-given love flows the five-fold ministry. There is nothing of this world that compares to the greatness of God’s love so there is nothing of this world that is as effective as Apostolic Pentecostal ministry motivated by love.


Bishop Garry Tracy
New Life St. Louis
Bridgeton, MO
(Information from: Prayer Connect – World Network of Prayer –

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