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Latest Discussions in Prodigals

Our Prodigals

Our Prodigals Are Coming Home!
By Larissa Havens
In a well-known story in Luke 15, the prodigal son took his inheritance and spent it on temporary pleasures. When he realized all his money was gone, he found a job feeding pigs. The pleasures and friends were gone. He was SO hungry, the pig’s food began to look good. Then the Bible reveals a key moment in Luke 15:17: “But when he came to himself . . .” All these events led him to this awakening moment. This is the kind of moment we ask God to give every prodigal.

We read about a severe famine in the book of Ruth. When these hardships tested their faith, a Jewish family decided to move from the promise land to Moab. The husband died leaving his wife, Naomi, and their two sons in Moab. The sons married Moabite women and also died. Naomi was distraught. THEN, Naomi had an awakening moment and decided it was time to return to the promise land. Ruth 1:6 says, “. . . for she had heard in the country of Moab that the Lord had visited His people by giving them bread.”

In both stories, there was an awakening moment when they realized life away from God was not as good as life with Him, and they knew where they needed to go. God had not left them; they left God. The father hoped his son would come home. He did not pressure him to return but continued watching for him. When the father saw his son walking home, he ran to meet him with open arms of love and forgiveness. This is our example of how to respond when we see prodigals coming home.

Naomi told her daughters-in-law about her plans to return home and told them to stay in Moab, because she didn’t have anything left to give them. Orpah left, but Ruth said, “Wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God” (Ruth 1:16-17). Ruth began serving God, remarried, and became the great grandmother of King David. Later Jesus came through her lineage. This testimony came from Naomi’s decision to return home.

Our prodigals ARE coming home! We speak life and hope over them. Their ears are listening like Naomi; and when they hear the sound of rejoicing, they will return home. They will awaken like the prodigal son and find only Jesus can fill the emptiness. May God give you hope for the prodigals in your life. May He give you love and forgiveness for them when they return, and wisdom in how to help them. They are coming home!

Info from: Ladies Prayer International Newsletter - UPCI Ladies Ministries -