Praise JESUS. Read Ephesians 5:16-18 KJV. And let's help somebody.

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God was always on the move

Getting Out of Your Rut

“And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters” (Genesis 1:2).

From the beginning of time, we see biblical evidence that God was always on the move. So, why shouldn’t we be? For we are created in the image of God. He moved upon the face of the waters and brought order in the midst of void and darkness. God wants us to have order in our lives and to move and have freedom and not to get stuck in a rut!

A rut is defined as a “groove in which something runs; the same old, same old thing; a continual routine; a track worn by a wheel or by habitual passage; a groove that prohibits progress.” A standard definition of stagnant is “not advancing or developing; stale; long disuse; a standing body of water; not flowing in a stream.” Quench not the Holy Spirit (rivers of living water), but allow God to flow through you. 

Someone said, “A rut is a grave with an end open on one side.” Think about that statement. For some people, they never arise or get free from it, and it eventually becomes their graves. God has validated your value greater than just an old tire stuck in the mud with your wheels spinning… moving nowhere.

Why do we need to get out of our ruts? To help ourselves and to help others! But first we must be in the right position ourselves to be able to help others effectively. 

II Kings 7:3-9 states, “And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate: and they said one to another, Why sit we here until we die?” I’m sure most of us are familiar with the story of the four lepers, who made the choice to experience freedom and to not remain stagnant in a rut and die. Rather, they became mobile and confronted the enemy in the camp. In doing so, God magnified the sound of their footsteps as a mighty army, even the noise of chariots, horses, and a great multitude, and as a result, the enemy fled. Then, the lepers spoiled their tents and were able to help themselves and others. It’s time for us to get up and go into the enemy’s camp to take back what he stole from you… and more. The lepers could have either stayed in a “rut” to “rot,” but they decided to move on.

Some remedies for ruts: Recognizing and acknowledging you are in a rut and determining that you will get out, changing your attitude, believing for the best outcome, making a concerted effort, and creating a solution designed to reach your destiny. Move and seek God’s help and remember, “faith without works is dead;” setting and achieving continual growth goals to assist you in snapping out of your monotonous routine. 

What are some ruts that you face and want to get out of now? You know what these are. Are you engaged in some non-edifying practices or habits that may not necessarily be classified as sin, but are things that are not expedient and are actions that hinder your prayer life? Do they prohibit you from reaching your maximum potential in God’s kingdom, and from doing what He desires? 

Lord, help us to enter into the full freedom of our calling to pray and to be committed Christians. Even King David “encouraged Himself in the Lord,” when he encountered adverse circumstances (I Samuel 30:6). Sometimes it takes guts to come out of your ruts. By your sincere efforts and through God’s help, please strut out of your rut! Don’t keep your wheels spinning, but strut out of your rut. And it’s okay to add a little humor during your exit, by leaving some dirt on the face of the enemy from the backsplash as you move forward to “strut out of your rut” to FREEDOM!

Flo Shaw
World Network of Prayer
(Info from: Prayer Connect Newsletter - World Network of Prayer -

The Blind

"The Country of the Blind"

"And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha" (II Kings 6:17).

I heard a story mentioned by Rev. Ken Gurley during a daily devotion session that caught my attention.

H.G. Wells wrote a short story called “The Country of the Blind.” It has such a parallel to our battle in helping our world to see Christ!

A mountain climber gets hurt during climbing and stumbles into a village that has been separated from the rest of civilization.

As he began stumbling down to the village late in the day, he called out to the people he could see in the village. They turned toward the sound of his voice, but did not really see him.

As he came closer, he noticed no windows in the homes, ropes along the walking paths, and discovered that they were all blind.

They helped minister to his wounds and were kind, but when he tried to tell them about what he saw on his climb, they didn’t believe him, because they never could see.

Decades ago, a disease had begun to strike the children with blindness, and as time went on, all who could still see, died off. With them the stories of vision died also.

So, as he told of what he saw, they didn’t believe him. As time went on, he healed up and began to work with the community. They thought he was crazy when describing what he would see. They would do work at night as the heat of the day was uncomfortable.

He fell in love with the leader’s daughter, and wanted to marry her, but they thought his craziness of seeing things was too much. They finally had the doctor of the community check him out. When examining him, he felt the darting and movement of his eyes and determined that this was the cause of his craziness. So, he would be allowed to marry the daughter, if he would let them remove his eyes and be like them. He agreed.

However, at sunrise on the day of the operation, while all the villagers are asleep, He saw the morning, like a golden armored angel coming down the steps, it seemed to him, that before this splendor he and his blind world in this valley, and his love were no more than a pit of sin.

He then understood the following: My world is sight! He then climbed out of the village, and left the Country of the Blind.

Our world wants to remove our eyes, what we have seen in Christ, what He has told us in prayer, what we have seen in His glory!

Your world is seeing the truth of God’s power, promises, and truth. The world has forgotten the sights of Christ, His promises, and love. Because they have walked in the world so long, they may have forgotten how to see Christ. Don’t let them remove your eyes that see, but pray that God restores their sight. Spiritually, pray for The Country of the Blind.

Rev. Patrick Alvarez
WNOP NW Regional Prayer Coordinator 
Washington District Prayer Coordinator 
(Info from: Prayer Connect Newsletter - World Network of Prayer -

Biblical Expressions of Worship

Do you know some of the Biblical Expressions of Worship?
"Biblical Expressions of Worship"
We pray together aloud because in the Bible we read, "They lifted up their voice to God with one accord" (Acts 4:24).
We lift our hands in praise because in the Bible we read, "Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord" (Psalm 134:2).

We sing with all our hearts because in the Bible we read, "Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all the earth:  make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise" (Psalm 98:4).

We play musical instruments because in the Bible we read, "And all the house of Israel played before the LORD on all manner of instruments" (2 Samuel 6:5).

We clap and shout unto God because in the Bible we read, "O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph" (Psalm 47:1).

We dance before the LORD because in the Bible we read, "Praise Him with the timbrel and dance:  praise Him with stringed instruments and organs" (Psalm 150:4).

We testify publicly because in the Bible we read, "I will declare thy name unto my brethren; in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee" (Psalm 22:22).

We anoint with oil for divine healing because in the Bible we read, "Is any sick among you?  Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord" (James 5:14).

We allow the operation of the spiritual gifts because in the Bible we read, "When ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation" (1 Corinthians 14:26).
(Information from: UPCI Oneness Apostolic Organization)