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If I may touch but his clothes

EXPECTANCY: “The Master’s Touch”
“If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole” (Mark 5:28).

Expectancy is defined as “the state of thinking or hoping that something, usually pleasant, will happen. It is the anticipatory belief or desire of something that is expected.”

Expectancy is the atmosphere for miracles. A lady that is expecting in the natural indicates that a birth is forthcoming. Truly, childbirth is a miracle, a new creation. The woman with the issue of blood, in Mark 5:28, expected a miracle. If she touched Jesus, with expectancy, then surely she knew that He would touch her with a miracle.

Humans possess five natural senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Touch places us in direct contact with our world. When we touch something, we become closely involved with it. We touch thousands of things every day in our lives without even thinking about it. We touch objects. We even affect change in the objects, or even the people, we touch., but there is nothing much more powerful than the touch of God!

Jesus touched a leper, and he was healed. His touch changed “Jacob” (deceiver) into “Israel” (a prince having power with God). His touch changed Moses from a murderer into a leader. His touch can remove sicknesses. His touch can raise the dead. His touch can heal blind eyes. His touch can unstop deaf ears. His touch can lift up the down and out. His touch can change us on the inside. His touch can make all things well on the outside! 

If you are expecting, then God desires to birth something new and great in your life! Are you seeking God with EXPECTANCY? Touch God with your prayer, and He will touch you with His power!

Flo Shaw
World Network of Prayer
( Info from: Prayer Connect Newsletter - World Network of Prayer - )