Praise JESUS. Read Psalm 67:5 KJV. And let's help somebody.

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Covering our Children

"Covering Our Children in Prayer" by Dianne Dupree.

As a mother, I am a “fixer.” I imagine you are also. We watch over our babies, caring for them from before birth until they grow up and move away. We kiss boo-boos, both real and imaginary. We chase away monsters, all imaginary. We counsel; we coach; we cheer. And when words aren’t enough, we cuddle. 

We fix things. We make things better. But as much as we want to make everything alright for our children, it is impossible. We may sometimes feel like Superwoman, doing it all, but we have no real power on our own. With a friend like Jesus, we don’t have to worry.

More times than I can count, as a child growing up in the church, we sang the old song, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”. The words say, “What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.” I don’t have all the answers or all the solutions to the problems my children face. But my friend, Jesus, does. I cannot heal, save, deliver, or work miracles. I cannot mend a broken heart. I cannot protect them from danger. But my friend, Jesus, can do all this and more.

My own children are now grown and have children of their own. They are all mine. The children in my Sunday school, the youth that sit on our pews, they are “mine” as well. It is imperative that I carry my children to God in prayer. He sees when I cannot see. He knows and understands the thoughts and intents of the heart. He has all wisdom and knows what is best for now and the future; therefore, I am confident He will take care of my children.

I pray the Word over my children. I pray for protection. I pray for good health. I pray they will be wise concerning good and simple concerning evil. I pray their conscience will be tender concerning the things of God. I pray that they will learn, live, and love the truth. I pray they are filled with the Holy Ghost. I pray they will be worshipers, that they will love the ways of God, love the man of God, and love the house of God. I pray their steps will be ordered by the Lord. I pray against evil. I pray they will be rooted, established, and built up in the faith. I pray they will learn to pray, that they will delight themselves in the Lord. I pray they develop the fruit of the Spirit in their lives. I pray against deceit. I pray they have a forgiving and a teachable spirit. I pray against fear.

And then I can rest assured friend Jesus has got it covered.

Info from: Ladies Prayer International Newsletter - UPCI Ladies Ministries -