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When Moses lowered his hands

" Hands Up! "

“Hands up” is not a sign of surrender for us when in the midst of the battle against the enemy, but it is quite the contrary. In this case it is a symbol of prayer and support (I Kings 8:54, Psalm 144:2). When Moses lowered his hands in the battle due to fatigue, Aaron and Hur interceded by holding up his hands, and the enemy was defeated (Exodus 17:8-13). Truly, Moses was in good hands! This Biblical account is a powerful example of the role that intercessors play in the success of a ministry. Likewise, intercessors can stand in the gap and help carry the burdens by holding up the hands of our ministers and those who lead the fight in the spiritual battles of the Church so that the victory may be wrought! 

The Apostle Paul stated, “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith” (II Thessalonians 3:1-2). Even earlier, Paul had expressed “Brethren, pray for us” in I Thessalonians 5:25. It is evident that one of a minister’s primary responsibilities is to deliver the messages that God has given. Prayer provides a covering from the attack of the enemy and other hindrances that would attempt to prohibit the Word from going forth. 

The Apostle Paul needed a helping hand and requested prayer so that the message he was carrying would have free course (go forth unhindered) in God’s full power and anointing. Paul also recognized that the enemy would try to impede progress directly through the work of wickedness and evil men, as he often faced opposition. Likewise, it is so for all ministers who have a message that God has given to relay. 

Do not allow the adversary or your flesh to hinder you from prayer for the Ministry. When either attempt to do so, say “talk to the hand” and shun any opposition. Get that hand up in the air with the other one in prayer and support. If the Apostle Paul needed prayer, then surely all ministers today need it too! 

Let’s put our hands up in prayer today and pray for the Ministry greater than we have ever prayed before! Surely, “the Hand of God” will work on behalf of the ministry, and because we put our “hands up,” we will win, “hands down!”


Flo Shaw
World Network of Prayer

(Information from: Prayer Connect Newsletter - World Network of Prayer - 

Faith is my favorite seed

"Dormant Seed" by Jennifer Brooks.

Every year it’s inevitable that my garden will produce a plant that was sown in a previous year. The bountiful surprise always leaves me with a smile on my face. The precious seed needed time for whatever reason to blossom. However, the growth would have never taken place had a seed not been sown.

I can’t recall how many times I’ve rehearsed over and over in my mind the seeds of prayer that others have placed in my heart. Seeds that lay dormant for countless years with no indication of growth, no matter how much they were watered. But God!

It can be frustrating to select a new vegetable to add to your seasonal crops, only to discover that the germination failed. Planting seeds in others can leave us kicking and screaming inside as we wait for the growing season. It’s a very beautiful breathtaking moment when a loved one gives their heart and soul to Jesus. But what do you do when you’ve prayed, you’ve planted seeds for a very long time, you’ve done all you could do, and you never witnessed the moment?

The answer is you keep doing you. People are watching you. Trust me, there is someone you are shining a light for and you’re making a difference for that person. My dear grandmother who raised me in a UPCI Apostolic Church since I was age five, went to her grave never knowing if the seeds she planted would ever take root. Thank the Lord they took root!

Faith is my favorite seed that sprouted. The intense feeling of strong faith is what kept me adamantly focused on the Lord during the hardest battles a person can face. The sudden death of our 18-year-old son as a result of a homicide left me bruised and broken. However, the Lord picked me up and rebuilt all the pieces. I often get asked, “How can you speak so calmly about your son after everything that happened?” My answer without hesitation, “We are a family that has strong faith.”

Strong faith simply implies that you believe in the one that can move those mountains. It’s rarely a casual assumption that the Lord can remove obstacles from your life that will leave you feeling complete, but instead it must be an absolute knowing. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t still have those moments where memories of my baby boy will flash in mind, causing an emotional uproar in my heart. It was a devasting thing to go through. Strong faith doesn’t mean you never break down into a sobbing mess. On the contrary, sobs usually lead to stronger faith.

To plant seeds or ideas into a person is going to require a process of germination, so to speak. The process will require nurturing, commitment, prayer, and the right season to flourish.

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6:9)

I don’t know about you, but I have absolutely no intention of giving up on others. Now let me clarify some situations will call for a small dose of wisdom. If you proceed to witness to a person with a persistence too strong, you could run that person further away from truth. On the other hand, if you're not persistent enough at various times, that could also lead to failed attempts. The best approach is God’s timing.

“A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!” (Proverbs 15:23)

Sometimes you plant seeds by saying nothing at all. The way you carry yourself, the way you put God first no matter what, and the way you live, all speak of your life and how you believe. Even when trials manifest in your situations, and they leave you hurt, crying, and devastated, others are watching how you respond to such pain. Handing over the hurt to the Lord while going through the motions of your mundane everyday tasks, speaks volumes of your character and your faith.

(Information from: Pure Ministry Newsletter - UPCI Ladies Ministries -

What a mighty God

What a mighty God we serve.
What a mighty God we serve.
Angels bow before Him.
Heaven and earth adore Him.
What a mighty God we serve.

Jesus is the God we serve.
Jesus is the God we serve.
Angels bow before Him.
Heaven and earth adore Him.
Jesus is the God we serve.


Do you know and more Posts

Do you know about how to start a Prayer Ministry?


Pray. The proper place to began anything in the church is in prayer, and prayer ministries are no exception.

▪ Have the pastor’s support. No ministry within a congregation is likely to survive without the genuine endorsement of the pastor.

▪ Appeal to the influencers. There are always members of the laity whose opinions carry more weight than most. The greater the number from this group that will support the prayer ministry, the quicker the prayer environment will be changed.

▪ Get a covering. For all the reasons to start a prayer ministry, know up front that Satan will oppose you. You can rest assured that if you are making progress, he will increase his attempts to distract you. It is crucial that you pray for protection, pray for your family, those close to you and the others who are involved in building the prayer ministry. Prayer will cause Satan concern, and prayer is our best defense.

▪ Be careful not to organize God out of your ministry. Leave room for God’s hand in all that you do, but don’t sit around doing nothing.

▪ Teach Prayer. Take any opportunity to teach on prayer. This may include a special Sunday school class, using the first five to ten minutes of your prayer meeting, vacation Bible school and any other opportunity that arises to further the cause of prayer. Your job as a leader is to grow your people in prayer.

▪ Don’t start too many things at once. People will be overwhelmed by too many changes and it will stress your resources as well. It is much better to begin one or two new things at a time, and allow them to become established before adding another activity.


Information from: The Prayer Life Newsletter - World Network of Prayer -


Do you know how to receive the Holy Ghost?

What the UPCI Pastor Billy Cole said.

How To Receive The Holy Ghost by Billy Cole BOTT 1991 - Acts 2:1-4, Acts 2:38 and Acts 10: 44-48 KJV YouTube:

NOTE: Please do not blame your Pastor or Preacher when someone does not receive the Holy Ghost. There are many different reasons as to why someone my not receive Him. But FAITH is the most critical element - faith on the part of the person seeking the Holy Ghost and from the Saints praying for and with them to receive the Holy Ghost.


Do you know what the Bible says about Jesus and how to be saved?

The Bible says Jesus is God in the flesh. Read 1 Timothy 3 verse 16 KJV that says: ...great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. In Luke 7 verses 48-49 (KJV) we read And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven. And they that sat at meat with him began to say within themselves, Who is this that forgiveth sins also?

So we know only God can forgive our sins and Jesus forgave the sins of those he met while he was on Earth because he is God seen in human flesh. God is One God (not 3 persons in one) from the Old Testament to the New Testament. The Bible says in the Book of Isaiah 43 verse 10 (KJV) Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.

How to be saved from sins and received Eternal Life was taught, preached and practiced by the Apostles at Acts 2 verse 38 when Peter said: ...Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. So Peter knew what Jesus meant when Jesus spoke the words at Matthew 28 verse 19 and commanded the Apostles. The name from in the name of is Jesus Christ. And no where in the Bible was anyone baptized according to Matthew 28 verse 19 as mentioned. Why? Because Peter knew the correct understanding of that is Acts 2 verse 38 and many people in the Bible were baptized that way.

Read also Acts 2 verse 36, Acts 8 verse 16, Acts 10 verse 48 and Acts 19 verse 5 in the Bible. And there is no infant baptism recorded or taught in the New Testament. Jesus and the Bible also said we must be born of water and the Spirit to receive Salvation and Eternal Life from John 3 verse 5 in the Bible. So were are to seek and receive the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit) to be chosen Saints of God Almighty. Read Romans 8 verse 9 in the Bible.