Praise JESUS. Read Psalm 67:5 KJV. And let's help somebody.

As the leaves fall and the Weather gets cooler, we are looking forward to those Holidays coming up soon. - Pentecostal Apostolic Mission - The Oneness Apostolic Evangelism Site for Bible Believers.

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My say on Back to School

Every year all over the world kids/children go Back-to-School in just about every civilize country. And keeping that in mind, its no wonder one of the most special moments in Pentecostal Apostolic Churches I know over the years, is the Back to School Prayer for the Kids/Children, Parents, Guardians, Teachers, and so on. I still believe that is really special and awesome. Even if you are not a Religious Person but you are someone who believes in God or Jesus, you will love the Back to School Special Prayer for those mentioned above, etc.

Every year at every level of School Life there will be some very strange or unexpected events happening that will adversely affect kids/children, teens, and young adults. Good health, safety, guidance, and protection for them all is still truly important. 

The School Term is not long. But the School Year is. And I know in January they normally do not have that Special Back to School Prayer, etc., in Schools, Churches or elsewhere. So August/September is the normally accepted time. That does not mean that parents, relatives, guardians or friends do no pray every day or all year long for the Kids/Children, etc. It just means extra attention and prayers is given now at this time of year.

No one will normally wish or hope for any evil towards someone else Kids/Children. Because the same you wish for someone else may happen to yours as well or instead. Its just better to be kind or humane. We were all Kids/Children once upon  time. And so we know what others are now facing, to a certain extent, in their life as kids, teens, or young adults. So we help each other and one another - in Jesus Name.   

John 15:12 - This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.
Romans 15:1 - We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.
Matthew 5:16 - Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.