Praise JESUS. Read Psalm 121:5 KJV. And let's help somebody.

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The Lord delivered me

After almost 30 years as a saved Bible Believer, I have never heard of or known anyone who did not have to overcome evil in his/her Salvation Journey towards Eternal Life. The Bible says this: Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me 2 Timothy 3:11 KJV.

I was never naive many years whn I just started my Journey to think that because I am saved I will have no more problems because of the Power of God in my life. Instead, the difference to me is ( and was back then) that now I have some super natural help to overcome evil. 

Wickedness and evil still came my way. But prayer and fasting help as long it is the will of God that he will do what I can never do for myself. So it feels good to be saved in times of trouble or extra trouble from the principalities and powers of evil in this world. Ephesians 6:12 KJV says: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The Apostles and Disciples, etc., from the early Church and Bible days had to face and endure the same evil and wickedness every true and saved Bible Believer will face today, and in the future. But if we have the real God and not just a god with us, we must (not may) overcome. That is why the Bible tells us that out of them all the Lord delivered me.

We must never stop praying one for the other, and help one another when we can. Because that is absolutely necessary, I believe, for our survival and endurance untill the end. Read Matthew 24:13 KJV.

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Do you know about how to start a Prayer Ministry?


Pray. The proper place to began anything in the church is in prayer, and prayer ministries are no exception.

▪ Have the pastor’s support. No ministry within a congregation is likely to survive without the genuine endorsement of the pastor.

▪ Appeal to the influencers. There are always members of the laity whose opinions carry more weight than most. The greater the number from this group that will support the prayer ministry, the quicker the prayer environment will be changed.

▪ Get a covering. For all the reasons to start a prayer ministry, know up front that Satan will oppose you. You can rest assured that if you are making progress, he will increase his attempts to distract you. It is crucial that you pray for protection, pray for your family, those close to you and the others who are involved in building the prayer ministry. Prayer will cause Satan concern, and prayer is our best defense.

▪ Be careful not to organize God out of your ministry. Leave room for God’s hand in all that you do, but don’t sit around doing nothing.

▪ Teach Prayer. Take any opportunity to teach on prayer. This may include a special Sunday school class, using the first five to ten minutes of your prayer meeting, vacation Bible school and any other opportunity that arises to further the cause of prayer. Your job as a leader is to grow your people in prayer.

▪ Don’t start too many things at once. People will be overwhelmed by too many changes and it will stress your resources as well. It is much better to begin one or two new things at a time, and allow them to become established before adding another activity.


Information from: The Prayer Life Newsletter - World Network of Prayer -


Do you know how to receive the Holy Ghost?

What the UPCI Pastor Billy Cole said.

How To Receive The Holy Ghost by Billy Cole BOTT 1991 - Acts 2:1-4, Acts 2:38 and Acts 10: 44-48 KJV YouTube:

NOTE: Please do not blame your Pastor or Preacher when someone does not receive the Holy Ghost. There are many different reasons as to why someone my not receive Him. But FAITH is the most critical element - faith on the part of the person seeking the Holy Ghost and from the Saints praying for and with them to receive the Holy Ghost.


Do you know what the Bible says about Jesus and how to be saved?

The Bible says Jesus is God in the flesh. Read 1 Timothy 3 verse 16 KJV that says: ...great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. In Luke 7 verses 48-49 (KJV) we read And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven. And they that sat at meat with him began to say within themselves, Who is this that forgiveth sins also?

So we know only God can forgive our sins and Jesus forgave the sins of those he met while he was on Earth because he is God seen in human flesh. God is One God (not 3 persons in one) from the Old Testament to the New Testament. The Bible says in the Book of Isaiah 43 verse 10 (KJV) Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.

How to be saved from sins and received Eternal Life was taught, preached and practiced by the Apostles at Acts 2 verse 38 when Peter said: ...Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. So Peter knew what Jesus meant when Jesus spoke the words at Matthew 28 verse 19 and commanded the Apostles. The name from in the name of is Jesus Christ. And no where in the Bible was anyone baptized according to Matthew 28 verse 19 as mentioned. Why? Because Peter knew the correct understanding of that is Acts 2 verse 38 and many people in the Bible were baptized that way.

Read also Acts 2 verse 36, Acts 8 verse 16, Acts 10 verse 48 and Acts 19 verse 5 in the Bible. And there is no infant baptism recorded or taught in the New Testament. Jesus and the Bible also said we must be born of water and the Spirit to receive Salvation and Eternal Life from John 3 verse 5 in the Bible. So were are to seek and receive the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit) to be chosen Saints of God Almighty. Read Romans 8 verse 9 in the Bible.