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Have faith in the good times and in the bad

By missionsupporter | submitted on May 24, 2024, 3:01 pm

"Faith Over Fear"

Fear is something that, if left unchecked, can rule our lives. God’s plan for our lives is not that we would be slaves to fear but overcome it through faith in Jesus Christ. My favorite verse in the Bible is II Timothy 1:7 which proclaims, “God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Whenever I am going through a time where I can begin to feel fear creeping into my mind, I remember this verse and take comfort knowing that our Lord and Savior holds us in His hands. He has a plan for our lives and will be with us every step of the way. 

King David is a great example of how trusting in the Lord, instead of taking things into our own hands, or being afraid brings about the best outcome for our lives. David could have reciprocated Saul’s hatred or desired to cause him harm, but he remained faithful to the Lord and trusted that what He had told him would come to pass. Remaining faithful in the face of trials, disappointments, sickness, and anything else that comes against us can be difficult. However, in these times where our faith is tested, we can remember the story of David, as well as the stories of many others from the Bible, and know that our future is in the hands of the Lord.

Have faith in the good times and in the bad. The Lord loves and cares about us and is with us every moment of every day. We are never alone. Take comfort today knowing that God sees where you are and that He is with you. Choose to have faith in God and say no to the voices of fear and doubt that come into your mind. Have faith over fear.

Sarah Smith
WNOP Administrative Associate II
(Info from: Prayer Cnnect Newsletter - World Network of Prayer -

faith bible.scriptures inspire inspiration fear good bad article Jesus God