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I am sure not to be the only one

By missionsupporter | submitted on August 15, 2024, 3:47 pm

"Better Than a Blanket" by Harmony Pace.
Though I am sure not to be the only one, I have a confession to make. With a little confidence (seeing that I had experienced motherhood for more than two years already), upon the news that we would once again be adding to our family, I set out to do something I had not done before. The most beautiful, soft, blue yarn was chosen. Care was taken to purchase the proper sized hook for the yarn size that was chosen. Things were set in order. Between caring for a toddler and a home, I excitedly began crocheting a blanket for our coming son.

The result . . . not what I had imagined. Though soft and of beautiful color, it was more of a lopsided rectangle the size of my lap than any crocheted blanket worthy of covering a newborn. An attempt was made with all the right elements, but the execution was less than perfect. In truth, I gave up.

Many moms might say that prayers for our children have also, at times, been comparable to the experience detailed above. Maybe, frustrated in our botched attempts to “really pray” for our children, we have been tempted to stop at just “a good effort.” Let me encourage you to keep on praying.

Prayer can sometimes look like hours of praying over the different aspects of our children’s lives. At other times, there may be a still small voice that nudges you to pray the blood of Jesus to cover and keep them in a single moment. Sometimes, our attempt at praying feels a little lopsided and insufficient to cover even our own laps . . . but pray on! You have all the key elements.

The covering of prayer isn’t in the beautiful sufficiency of the flowery prayer that I pray. The sufficiency of the One I pray to is what covers my children completely. The beautiful thing about prayer is that when it is prayed in faith in Jesus’ name, it doesn’t matter if it’s less than “perfect.” No physical blanket that I might crochet could cover my son for a lifetime. The covering I create for him through prayer, however, will long outlive me. Prayer never dies. Through prayer, it is my desire to build a place of refuge, an access point, for both of my children to access the shelter of HIS wings and HIS truth— a covering better than any blanket!

Pray long, pray short, pray less than perfect, but just don’t give up praying. It will cover them!

“He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.” (Psalm 91:4).

Info from: Ladies Prayer International Newsletter - UPCI Ladies Ministries - 

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