Praise JESUS. Read Psalm 67:5 KJV. And let's help somebody.

As the leaves fall and the Weather gets cooler, we are looking forward to those Holidays coming up soon. - Pentecostal Apostolic Mission - The Oneness Apostolic Evangelism Site for Bible Believers.

School and Prayer

By missionsupporter | submitted on August 13, 2024, 6:50 pm

"Back-to-School Prayer"

August is here and that means school is starting up again. It doesn’t matter if your student is a first-time, returning, elementary, high school, or college student; online or in class; public or Christian or home school; in town or far away; your child or grandchild, nephew or niece, neighbor, or friend, your student needs your prayers.

Your church can conduct a back-to-school, special time of prayer one Sunday where all students, regardless of age, gather at the front to let families and the church gather around to pray for them.

Provide prayer cloths that leadership has anointed and prayed over, then let families take home one for each student in the family. A family will pray over each one before placing a prayer cloth in each student’s backpack. Conduct a prayer walk at each school represented by students in the church with the approval of school leadership. Provide copies of this prayer guide to families so they can pray over their students at home before they leave for school. 

Focused Prayer:
     Pray for protection to and from school for each student.
    Pray for protection at school, that it would be a safe place without bullying or terror attacks.
    Pray for good health to prevail in every family throughout the school year.
    Pray for teachers to show kindness, grace, and understanding, as well as wisdom in dealing with situations in the classroom.
    Pray that God will provide for every financial need.
    Pray for parents to offer strong guidance and support, offering encouragement as well as expecting fair accountability.
    Pray that your student would understand and do well in the learning process.
    Pray for peace in your student, that each would not be afraid of situations or people present.
    Pray for confidence for your student, that each would try new things and bravely tackle all assignments given.
    Pray for your student to make wise choices in their friendships, speech, manners, and reactions.
    Pray that your student would do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.
    Pray that your student would stand with boldness and integrity on the Word of God, especially when presented with beliefs and teachings contrary to truth.
    Pray that God will strengthen your student as each builds their relationship with Him.
    Pray that your student will introduce someone to Christ and help that friend grow in Christ.
    Pray for the Holy Ghost to always lead, protect, and anoint your student.

J. Owens
(Info from: Prayer Connect Newsletter - World Network of Prayer -

back to school prayer bible children parents teachers