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The Glory of God

By missionsupporter | submitted on June 11, 2024, 2:54 pm

" Seeing the GLORY of God! "

As the coming of the Lord approaches, now is the time to move from the natural to the supernatural. God led His people by a pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night (Exodus 13:21). He is still leading us today by His Spirit (John 16:13). Prayer is a vital key in our endeavor to see the glory of God manifested today.

The supreme purpose of prayer from God’s vantage point is to accomplish His perfect will in His kingdom, in our lives, and in the lives of others. Some key components in helping us see the glory of God are:
Put God First and Practice Self-Discipline in Prayer

We must wake up and realize that the time is short; we must watch and pray. We should endeavor to fulfill God’s great purpose on earth in our lives.

Practice a Consecrated Lifestyle and Living a Crucified Life in Christ

We must “put on Christ” and commit totally to Him. The more we crucify the flesh by prayer and fasting, the more we will see the supernatural. When we love God and one another and allow the fruit of the Spirit to operate, we will see God’s glory manifested.

Pray the Will of God in All Situations

Many people are so busy telling God how they want Him to answer that they never allow Him to reveal how He wants them to pray. Find out what God’s will is, pray it with faith, and it will be done.

Position Yourself to Always Obey the Voice of God

Get in one mind and one accord with the Spirit of God. Obey His Word. Worship Him. Get into alignment with God. Get into fellowship with other believers to reap the harvest. Choose to be a vital link of prayer that unites rather than being part of a chain of prayerlessness that binds. Nothing is impossible as we unite in prayer, believing in one God, one church, and one mission.

Permit the Spirit of God to Flow and His Glory to Be Manifested in Your Life

Allow God’s Spirit to prevail in prayer. Do not be limited by programs or protocols, but allow His Spirit to move. God responds to the prayers of His people.

In the Book of Acts prayer preceded great demonstrations of God’s glory. We must go back to the foundation of prayer to see a great end-time harvest.

Because their prayers in the past were not answered to their satisfaction, some may ask, “What is the use of praying?” The Bible says that Elijah “prayed again” (James 5:18). If he had not prayed again he would not have seen the downpour of rain. So is it with us—we must be persistent in prayer. Paul said, “Pray without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17). Determine that what is of utmost important in your life is “seeing the glory of God!”

Flo Shaw
World Network of Prayer
Info from: Prayer Connect Newsletter - World Network of Prayer - 

glory seeing God Jesus pray prayer article inspire information