Praise JESUS. Read Ephesians 5:16-18 KJV. And let's help somebody.

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They that wait upon the Lord

By missionsupporter | submitted on May 28, 2024, 11:04 pm

"Wait on the Lord" by Kay Burgess.

“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

In Spanish the word for “expect” and “wait” is the same—esperar. It means to wait with expectation and is synonymous with trust (confiar) and believe (creer).

We commonly say in English that a woman who is pregnant with a child is “expecting.” While we know that the miraculous work of creation taking place within her womb is somewhat out of her human control, a wise woman knows that she must be busy and responsible while waiting. She should be eating properly so that her child will be nourished. She should be preparing a nursery, clothing, and the many different items and changes necessary for the arrival of a new baby. What she should not be doing is just sitting around waiting nine months for her child to arrive without making the necessary preparations. 

We “wait” on the Lord, but with active expectation. We “wait” trustingly for Him to do His sovereign work in our children, but we must be busy while waiting! We must be about the business of nurturing, teaching, guiding, building, and “raising up” our children so that they are properly prepared and positioned for God´s plan in their lives. More than ever today, we cannot be found sitting around waiting helplessly for an outcome that is sure to disappoint if we have not invested the time and effort necessary for their salvation.

I see many women in the Bible who kept busy while waiting and therefore saw the miraculous results in their children. Jocabed gave birth secretly, kept him hidden, built an ark, and made a plan for young Moses all while knowing that her time with him was short. Yet her time with him was so effective that later he refused his royal heritage and chose rather to be known as a child of God.

Hannah prayed, got her answer from God, and returned to home to prepare for childbirth. She also took advantage of the short time she had with her son before returning him to the House of God – so much so that Samuel grew up to become the last judge and greatest prophet in Israel.

Even Mary, so young, was wise enough to actively seek out an older cousin who could understand her situation and give her godly counsel.

We mustn’t be guilty of trying to help God out with His sovereign part – think Sarah and Hagar – which will yield us disastrous results just as it did for Sarah. If God has promised, it will come to pass in His time and in His plan – without our human intervention in the process. But it does require our faithful and consistent walk with God and our conviction that He will do what He has promised.

So keep praying, believing, and working while you are waiting. Prepare the way for the promise that God has given you. Keep the home fires burning for the prodigal that will be returning. God is not slack concerning His promises, and it is His desire that our children be saved.

( Information from: Ladies Prayer International Newsletter - UPCI Ladies Ministries - ) 

wait Lord God Jesus strength renew not faint article information