Praise JESUS. Read Ephesians 5:16-18 KJV. And let's help somebody.

The Fall/Autumn Season is starting September 22nd 2024. - Pentecostal Apostolic Mission - The Oneness Apostolic Evangelism Site for Bible Believers.

Without Ceasing

By missionsupporter | submitted on August 25, 2024, 7:34 am

"Pray Without Ceasing" from Pastor Phillip Hofstetter

What does "Pray Without Ceasing" really mean? Here is something to think about: Have you ever gotten into prayer, but you had to stop because of an appointment or an interruption? What should you do when you pray again later? There isn’t a need for you start over, you start where you left off. 


Every prayer connects to the last prayer, whether you are at the altar at church or the altar at home. No matter where you are praying, when you start your prayer again, you can continue where you left off in your last prayer. We should look at our relationship with God as a continual, lifelong prayer. It is a daily prayer, as each day connects to the last day, each week to the last week, each month to the last month, and each year to the last year. It is all connected. 


That is why it is so important to journal your prayers so when God answers, you can remember the prayer and write in the way God answered. How many prayers constituted the memorial prayer of Cornelius in Acts 10:1-8? It was an ongoing, continual, daily prayer, each prayer connecting to the last. That is how we pray without ceasing.


Don't be discouraged when you cannot continue to pray at a particular time. just continue where you left off. Jesus will never forget what you spoke to Him before in prayer. He waits for you to continue your conversation with Him.


Pastor Phillip Hofstetter
District Prayer Coordinator
Florida District
(Info from Prayer Connect Newsletter - World Network of Prayer -

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